Smartphone Photography Workshop
Learn this essential skill

Almost all of us take pictures with our smartphone, but how many of us have considered approaching this from an artistic perspective?

This crash course encourages participants to level up their smartphone photography, covering key cornerstones such as subject selection, light and shade, and editing.

array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(20168) ["title"]=> string(19) "Beatboxing Workshop" ["desc"]=> string(30) "Learn this niche musical skill" ["image"]=> string(95) "" }
Beatboxing Workshop
Learn this niche musical skill
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(20143) ["title"]=> string(20) "Calligraphy Workshop" ["desc"]=> string(25) "Learn this relaxing skill" ["image"]=> string(87) "" }
Calligraphy Workshop
Learn this relaxing skill
array(4) { ["ID"]=> int(20153) ["title"]=> string(22) "Candle Making Workshop" ["desc"]=> string(32) "A Relaxing Teambuilding Activity" ["image"]=> string(83) "" }
Candle Making Workshop
A Relaxing Teambuilding Activity
Related acts
Beatboxing Workshop
Calligraphy Workshop
Candle Making Workshop